The resident artisans of Taylor have had years of experience researching and developing period techniques, and can offer services to please. Our merchants sell at a better price than available elsewhere, with a more satisfying quality anywhere.
Come to the town and dress the day, eat chef made period food, drynk home made cyders, ales, and beers.
Leatherworkers, bakers, butchers, blacksmiths, herbalist apothecaries, and more offer take home trinkets usable for faires or daily conversation starters!
The Farm
The Taste
Experience free-range meats, eggs, and dairy products, that are home fed and raised from birth in the traditional Tudor manner on site.
You can taste the fresh fruit, even in the pictures. Our orchards, and neighboring trade farmers, offer fruits and veggies just off the stem. The same fresh flora that is used by our food merchants.
For the young ones, the petting zoo is open daily, and why not take home a friend?